OUT in the Wild strives to provide inclusive and equitable outdoor programming and experiences for the LGBTQIA2S+ community to shift the outdoor industry towards a more diverse, intersectional, and welcoming space for all.

OUT in the Wild is owned by, managed by and employs an all LGBTQIA2S+ and intersectional team.We believe that it is through our intersectionality that we become a stronger community, collective voice and provide visibility that represents all members of the LGBTQIA2S+ Community.
Our business is a mutually beneficial social enterprise, one that provides programming to a marginalized community by members of the same marginalized community. Our programs are meant to uplift and develop queer leaders and guides, while teaching the skills and knowledge to help our community succeed in outdoor spaces.
Our vision is to make the outdoors feel more accessible, safer, and more accepting for the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Historically, the outdoor community has been a space that queer folks don’t feel welcome, safe or represented in. The culture has been one of
hyper masculinity, homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity - and at times - violence towards our community.
OUT in the Wild exists to change that, to be an alternative and hopefully grow enough that our culture of inclusion and community seeps into the outdoor community at large.
Our programs fall within two main areas of focus:
Building Skills -
Outdoor programs that teach technical skills so that participants feel more comfortable and confident to get outside to do what they love or try new activities.
Building Community
Community based events centered around queerness and the outdoors that create more interpersonal connections, uplift our fellow queer community members and provide a space to feel a sense of belonging and community.

Inclusion & Intersectionality
It is through our intersectionality that we become a stronger community and collective voice.
Community Over Competition
We believe the liberation of all people rests in the hands of collective activism and community.